Small and medium-sized frames can also fit in the large case, including Westport, Marina, Bellows, Beachwood, Wingate, Emerson, Neptune, Tele, Alcatraz, Haight, Haight 2, Atlas, Helm, Helm 2 Montana, Discord, Bowie, Cameo, Whistler, Loma, Pismo, Cliffside.
Can accommodate a single pair of average-sized sunglasses. The case is quite spacious and can also accommodate larger sunglasses.
Fit the following Spy Sunglasses. Fits the following styles: Flynn (snug), Cyrus, Hielo, Cooper, Dirty Mo, Logan, Dirk, Dega, General, Bounty, Rover, Tackle, Konvoy, Mccoy (snug), Touring (snug), Frazier, Rocky, Angler, Hunt, Fiona, Farrah, Allure, Leo, Walden.